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Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Category: Art Gallery
Address: The Dark Rooms Karl-Kunger-Strasse 64 12435 Berlin Germany

- About -

The Dark Rooms is an exhibition in which international artists, show their work in darkness for one night in an old historic building. Only the art pieces are illuminated. The Dark Rooms is a project that investigates a “new” approach on the display and the communication of artwork in it´s current setting. Due to the difference of premises, the viewer is challenged to reassess the perception and it the presentation of art.
The exhibition invites the viewer to join an exploration, in which he does not only become acquainted to an unconventional way to see art, but also, through the intensive impressions, attains a new dimension of experience in the observing process. Every room displays work of a single artist. Consequently, due to the arrangement of the art piece(s) in the room, the artist guides the viewer through the show. The intention of this exhibition is to create an unconventional and individually comprehensive way to perceive art, so that he becomes part of the dialog between the room and the art piece.

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