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Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Category: Art Gallery
Address: Unit 12, 21 Wren Street, London, WC1X 0HF

- About -

On 7th November 2017, contemporary gallery Fiumano Projects wmerged with Orion Contemporary, to become Fiumano Clase. In recent years Andrés Clase and Francesca Fiumano have collaborated on numerous exhibitions and projects. The success of these collaborations, pooling over thirty years of combined knowledge and experience, resulted in the decision to form Fiumano Clase. The two comment: "After sixteen years as professionals in the art world, the forming of Fiumano Clase is our most exciting milestone yet.
We see our role as continuing to encourage and support the very best ideas, techniques and practice, something which is crucial to the growth of our artists and the gallery's programme." The new venture represents a union of both a professional and personal relationship, an exciting juncture in both Andrés and Francesca’s lives. Each bring their individual qualities to the new partnership and both are equally energized and excited by the future plans for the growth and development of Fiumano Clase. Fiumano Clase will continue to build upon the longstanding relationships forged with both artists and collectors over the past 16 years.

- Shows & News -

view Roger Holotm: BOOM
09/13/2018 to 10/19/2018