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Sven Windszus: HOLY SHIT





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Friday, 10 June 2022 to Saturday, 13 August 2022
Friday, 10 June 2022 - 6:00pm

With his interactive installations, newcomer and winner of the “BBA Artist Prize 2021” Sven Windszus questions social developments and conflicts with wit and profundity. His debut solo show at BBA Gallery animates, provokes debate and isn’t afraid to engage with some of the present moment’s most complex topics.

Sven Windszus is a German, Berlin-based digital, mixed media, and installation artist who "loves to make things move”. With his participatory installations, he lets the viewer become part of his work by inviting them to interact with individual worlds through his provocative call-to-action. In his upcoming exhibition at BBA Gallery: "HOLY SHIT", the artist presents his most recent works, featuring politically and socially relevant themes with a pointedness that gives you no choice but to sit up and pay attention.

A confession booth that literally confronts us with the 'sins' of our everyday lives; an actual dog skeleton encased in gold that blurs the boundaries between creation and artificial intelligence; a confined space that rapidly fills with water and human heads threatening to drown when a pump is activated - Windszus' creativity and critical observations know no bounds. Aesthetically, the artist often convinces with a contrasting approach: he combines old vintage objects with the latest digital technology. 
Windszus' examination of the phenomena of war, suffering and destruction feels particularly moving in light of current events in Ukraine and across Europe. His installation "24/7" aims to illuminate the "banal madness and contradiction" of eternal bloodshed from an unexpected perspective. The viewer looks into a genuine German weapons case, which is equipped with a digital animation engaging with contemporary issues around Germany’s position in the arms market. Far from a moral lecture, and through the integration of interactive concepts and everyday digital products, Windszus' installations aim to encourage viewers to participate, to try things out and, above all: to critically reflect on their own actions. This is his call-to-action.
As the winner of the BBA Artist Prize 2021, Windszus will be showing at this year’s Artist Prize exhibition at the Kuehlhaus, which is running concurrently with his debut solo show at BBA. "HOLY SHIT" is not only the artist's BBA Gallery debut, but is in fact his first solo exhibition ever. Sven Windszus is a truly exceptional talent and a major revelation for the Contemporary Art Market.

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Venue ( Address ): 

Köpenicker Str. 96, 10179 Berlin

BBA gallery , Berlin

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