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Hyun Jung Ji


Artist Name: 
Hyun Jung Ji



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Hyun Jung Ji, born in South Korea, now currently lives and practices as a professional painter in Los Angeles, California. She gained formal training as a painter at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA where she began to develop her unique illustrative style and meticulous approach to painting.

Hyun’s works are inspired by her childhood. Her painting plays a role as a medium to connect herself of the past with herself of the present. Hyun's process allows her to dive deep into her consciousness and by facing these memories, she feels like having a closer understanding of who she is. She produces engaging narratives populated by multiple figures of herself. Her works evoke a sense of fantasy and the subconscious.

Hyun Jung has featured at MvVO’s AD Art show, 2018 and 2019 at Sotheby’s NYC and World Trade Center, where she was one of three winners out of seven finalists. She also exhibited in various shows worldwide in 2019, including Lab. 11 at Malamegi Lab in Venice, Italy, Artrooms Fair London in London, United Kingdom, and All-Stars at Art Share-LA, in Los Angeles. 


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