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Wednesday, 8 November 2017 to Sunday, 19 November 2017
Wednesday, 8 November 2017 - 6:00pm


Artist Brian Batt will debut his latest works – all part of his new GREENHOUSE series, which will be on view at Foley Gallery ( 59 Orchard St) on New York’s Lower East Side. Open from November 8 through November 19, the pop-up exhibition will feature 21 original works – paintings and drawings- created by Batt over the last two years. Batt's style, comparable to that of Chuck Close, invites the viewer to ingest life through a kaleidoscope of color, depth, and shocking precision.

Until recent months, Batt has mainly focused his molecular creativity on world famous icons, such as Questlove and Pete Townshend, or city landmarks, such as Katz's Deli.  Now, with GREENHOUSE, Batt offers an escape from bright lights and urban sprawl to the lush beauty, inspired by quiet moments in his Brooklyn rooftop garden.

Also on view:  "Women & Flowers" -- a series by New York-based photographer, Christina Arza.  A perfect foil for GREENHOUSE, Arza's photographs draw inspiration from classical painting and photography portraiture. The images were shot on medium format and each capture women with a flower of their choice in an intimate environment. The opening reception for GREENHOUSE is Wednesday, November 8 from 6-9PM.





Artist ( Description ): 

Brian Batt (born 1978) is an East Coast native currently based between New York City and Miami. He took his first painting course while still in High School at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and would go on to graduate from Hartford Art School in Connecticut as an Illustration major. Immediately upon graduation, portrait requests started coming in.  After a few years of freelance illustration and about four years of working as a full-time band merchandising graphic designer, Batt decided to focus solely on painting. His traditional painting style evolved to the pixelated/mosaic style trail blazed by Chuck Close, interpreting the technique through his own style. Whether working in photorealism or pointillism, Brian combines aspects of classic portraiture with pop cultural iconography. He explores the idea of an image consisting of thousands of smaller shapes, each shape being essential to the larger picture. His paintings have landed on the walls of John Krasinski and Reese Witherspoon, and his work is regularly commissioned for important galas and charity events.


Christina Arza (born 1989) is an American of Cuban descent, contemporary photographer who works in between Miami & New York. She primarily works in photography and film and is Founder and Art Director of Steadfast Magazine. Her work focuses on women, identity, romanticism, and nature.

Venue ( Address ): 

59 Orchard St, New York, NY

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