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ALCHEMIES – Jenni Hicks & Meirion Harries



Tuesday, 27 September 2016 to Saturday, 1 October 2016
Wednesday, 28 September 2016 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm

ALCHEMIES – Jenni Hicks & Meirion Harries

27 September – 1st October 2016
PV: Wednesday 28th September 6-9pm RSVP here

A collaborative exhibition opens at Lacey Contemporary Gallery this September featuring two contemporary artists based in London and working in Photography and Ceramics.

 All artistic creation involves alchemy:  alchemy of materials and of imagination.   Jenni Hicks uses fire to transform base clay into works of art using processes that have existed for thousands of years.   Meirion Harries captures and manipulates light to create printed art forms with processes that are relatively more recent.  The ceramic object and the photographic image gain a life that transcends their origins in clay and paper. Contrasting the oldest and newest artistic processes, ALCHEMIES demonstrates that art is not simply rooted in or bound by the process of its creation, but springs to life through the alchemy of imaginative engagement.

Having met by purest chance one evening in 2014 at a Notting Hill theatre, Meirion Harries and Jenni Hicks delightedly picked up their friendship after a gap of twenty years – a time in which, as they discovered, they had independently been pursuing very much the same artistic goals in our different mediums. This exhibition is an experiment in synergy: an attempt at artistic alchemy.

The gallery will be hosting a private view with the artists on Wednesday 28th September 2016. ALCHEMIES will be open to the public between the 27th September – 1st October 2016.

For further information, images or to register your interest in the event please

Artist ( Description ): 

Jenni Hicks

Jenni Hicks has a studio near Hampstead Heath, and spends a lot of time on the Quantocks in Somerset. She’s worked for the BBC and in publishing, and has also run her own cookery school. ‘Alchemies’ is Jenni’s second exhibition in London.

“As I watched fat rain-drops plop into my birdbath, I wondered if it would be possible to capture, in clay, the fluid upward explosion as the raindrops hit the water. Often I begin with an idea of what I’m going to make and, through the process of creating it, I arrive somewhere quite different.

Starting points, for me, tend to be elemental: the mist creeping up through the valley in the very early morning; the sudden bloom of funghi on tree trunks after a downpour. And these can be expressed as marks gashed and scored in the clay; or through a painterly quality in the use of multiple layers of slips or glazes; sometimes through the shape of the pot itself.

I make my work by coiling and hand-building stoneware clays, mostly using my fingers. A lot of my forms have a sculptural, abstract aspect, but I like my pieces to work as pots. At the moment I am caught up with the contrast between smooth, rotund or globular forms and something fissured or ruptured; a loss of control in contrast to something quite tightly contained.”

Meirion Harries

Meirion Harries was brought up in Penang, Malaysia and has lived and worked in Hong Kong and Japan. He has co-authored seven books – on twentieth-century British art, on modern music and opera, and two histories of Japan. For the last fifteen years he has been working as a photographer and filmmaker for a social enterprise that supports people with learning disabilities. ‘Alchemies’ is Meirion’s second exhibition in London.

“Photography for me has always meant sharing images that ‘ping’ in the mind’s eye. The moment of discovery of an ancient Arabic shape in a cloister in Florence, hard sunlight making sinister a box of children’s puppets, three friends in evening conversation on the water’s edge in Cadaqués, their positions exactly mirrored by three mooring buoys in the harbour behind them: these were sights that engaged me on a plane of heightened awareness.

My method of working is to capture a frame of light with the camera and then manipulate it in my digital darkroom – sometimes finishing with a print, sometimes doing further work on the image with toners and oils until the energy of the scene or the object has come alive.”

+44 (0) 207 313 9068
Venue ( Address ): 

Lacey Contemporarygallery is located in Holland Park, London.

Other events from Lacey Contemporary Gallery

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09/27/2016 to 10/01/2016
IN DIFFERENT STATE: Slovak Visual Art Exhibition
10/05/2016 to 10/15/2016


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