Situated amidst the vibrant heart of Los Angeles, Dylan Smith weaves his artistic narrative through the mediums of illustration, painting, mixed-media, and performance art. His creations, alive with color and texture, echo the untamed imagination of childhood, drawing muse from the powerful matriarchs of his life and the shimmering allure of pop culture.
Transitioning from the fluid movements of a professional dancer and choreographer to a maestro of the visual arts, Smith revels in the uncharted realms of artistic exploration, inviting the world to witness the evolution of his craft.
Adding depth to his oeuvre, Smith carries the spirit of Picasso's words:
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”
This sentiment has been a guiding star in his journey, reminding him that the boundaries of artistry are as limitless as the imagination of his younger self. Rediscovering a trove of childhood art, Smith became fascinated by his early fascination with women's forms, a seed that bloomed anew in his later works. This epiphany was a call to arms, to break the chains of specialization and embrace the full spectrum of his creative instincts. Armed with crayons and markers, he rekindled the inventive spark of his youth, reshaping those early muses with the wisdom of his adult years.
Smith's narrative is a testament to the belief that creativity knows no bounds and that the artist within, once awoken, can venture through myriad forms of expression. He aspires to inspire others, especially dancers, to recognize that their artistic potential goes beyond the stage; it reaches wherever their imagination dares to roam.
Curator :
6039 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232
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