Exhibition Type:
Thinkspace Projects Presents Four New July Shows
Main Gallery: Reen Barrera • Emotional Meat
Gallery II: Sarah Joncas • Upon Another Shore
Gallery III: Benzilla • Alter Ego
Gallery IV: Spime • Fish Out of Filtered Water
JULY 8 - JULY 29, 2023
Thinkspace Projects
4207 W. Jefferson Blvd. & 4217 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90016
T: 310.558.3375 | Tues. - Sat. Noon to 6PM
Opening Reception
Saturday, July 8, 6-10pm
Main Gallery: Reen Barrera returns with his biggest undertaking to date: Emotional Meat, new works on canvas alongside a new collection of his signature hand made sculptures, explores the contemporary generation’s frantic demand for struggles and hustles. As many are fixated on succeeding, motivated by individualistic rationalities, often a disregard for the important aspect of one’s existence comes to light.
Gallery II: Toronto-based Sarah Joncas returns with: Upon Another Shore. Having first exhibited with the gallery in 2009 when she was only 19 years old, Joncas’ accomplished work has garnered international attention for its moody stylization and emotive impact. Her latest collection of works displaying primarily female subjects, symbolic avatars for social, psychological, and personal themes.
Gallery III: Alter Ego: new work by Benzilla, born Parinya Sirisinsuk, challenges boundaries, ignites contemplation, and humbly invites viewers to explore the intricate complexities of our world. With his signature 3-eyed alien “LOOOK,” Benzilla guides viewers through an exploration of paradox: within each of us exists both the fiercest enemy and the most loyal companion.
Gallery IV: Spime brings her intuitive paintings of varying scale with: Fish Out of Filtered Water. She embeds and juxtaposes personal imagery of the present, while critically engaging with the culturally and emotionally determined actions of the past. In Fish Out of Filtered Water, Spime marks the inception of an idea with the inclusion of works on paper.
4207 W. Jefferson Blvd. & 4217 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90016
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