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2023 - Botanical



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Price Range: 
$75 to

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Thursday, 5 January 2023 to Saturday, 28 January 2023
Thursday, 5 January 2023 - 6:00pm

Las Laguna Art Gallery is pleased to present our newest group exhibition titled Botanical. Please join us Thursday January 5 at 6pm for art, live music and more.

Selected from several hundred submissions this show features stand out works from artists spanning the globe. Works in this show features flowers, trees, leaves, cactus, and succulents.

The variety of mediums nearly matches the many variety of botanical.

Works in this show include Acrylic, Charcoal, Color Pencil, Collage, Digital Art, Drawings, Encaustic, Fiber Art, Graphite, Illustration, Oil, Painting, Pastel, Photography (Traditional and Digital), Printmaking and Watercolor.

Curator :

Artist ( Description ): 

Colin Abbott, Elizabeth Addison, Sabrena Annelle, Renee Amitai, Johanna Archer, Kevo Aregbe, Syl Arena, Jessica Armstrong, Maggy Aston, Olivia Avery , Regina-Champagne Babin, Malika Baeza, Sheryl Ball, Polly Dressler Bech, June Berger, Jay Bergman, Adam Noah Berman, Petra Bernstein, Ray Besserdin, Terri Bianco, Steven Bielak, Katy Bishop, Jason Blair, Britt Block, Twyla Bohrer, Annie Boyer, Nancy Breiman, Cara Brewer, Susanna Brighouse, Amy Brines, Becky Brinkley, Trevor Campbell, Marissa Cashin, Iryna Chaboryk, Denise Joy Chasin, Amber Chiozza, Devin Cho, Kara Coleman, Marion A. Constantinides, Patricia L. Cooke, Francesca Virginia Coppola, Charles Crabb, Justine Crowley, Angela Dagostino, Kathryn Davis, Justin DeMattico, Lynne Deutch , Kathy DeVries , Elena Dobkin, LeeAnn Donnelly, Morgan Dreese, Maryanne Driscoll, Deirdre Dyson, Muriel Eden, Kristi Ekern, Kelly Elizabeth, Michelle Engel, Fab, Andrea Finch, Christopher B Fowler, Patricia Fox, Sharon Frances, Gloria Gale, Ivan F. Gall, Joseph Gattulli, Debbie Gebbie, Maz Ghani, Deborah B Giannini, Bari Gisin, Garth Glazier, Justine Thompson Godown, L. Gay Goessling, Elena Golubkova, Hilary Gomes, George Gonzalez, Jennifer Goya, Richard Greene, Mandy Gregory, Timothy Griffith, Christine Guernsey, DD Haeg, Ali Hall, Shilpa Hardas, Carrie Hayden, Richard Heiens, Carol Fox Henrichs, Kong Ho, Alma Hoffmann, Cynthia Holt, Cornelia Huellstrunk, Mary Ellen Iatropoulos, Pere Ibañez, Lisa Jaech, Sophia Jho, Sandy Jian, Suzy Johnson, Lori Jones, Kathy Joyce, Chris Kafka, Nyxx Kane, Taneesh Kaur, Lindsay Kelly, Sean Kelly, Brittany Kiertzner, Ellen King, Kathy Kissik, Marc Kittner, Susan Kjellsen, Linda Knoll, Laura Krusemark, Sharon Kurtz, Phillipoa Lack, Roberta Lagomarsini, Saint Lamar, Timothée Lamour, Katie Lang-Slattery, Stacy Larson, Cathy Leaycraft, Meryl Lebowitz, Annalee LeDuff, Aaron Lehr, Faye Liu, Peter LoCascio, George Lockwood, Laura Loescher, Andrea London, Kaye Longberg , Rich Magram, Mika Maharaj, Phyllis Mantik deQuevedo, Christie Marks, Nicole Martinelli, Steven Martinez, Nektaria Mattheos , Courtney A. Matthews, Marjorie Jane McClelland, Linda McClure, Dan  McCormack, Laurel McFarland , Jennifer McGarigle , Kasandra McNeil, Frankie Meaden, Jess Mewborne, Melody Meyer, Cynthia Minoli, Lynne Mizera, Christine Moerenhout- Hubloue, Ricky Montilla, Stacy Moore, Chris Mosley, Ashley Moss, Mulka, Cathie Muschany, Raquel Zenaida Muslin, Marianna Nagy Lantos , Marcia Neblett, Claudia Noel Nerreau, Madeline Neuls , Jim Nista, Carol Nussbaum, Mayowa Nwadike, Kelly O'Leary, Ahmed Z. Obeidat , Ohms, Helen Otterson, Kimberly Marie Ousley, Papuc Irina, Karen Parker, Maria Pazos, A.Margarita Peraza-Rugeley, Anjalé Perrault, Kay Phan, Lizette Phillips, Marcia  J Popp, C. S. Poppenga, Judy Quitoriano, Melinda Rasch, Arne Rasmussen, Kaleen Repsher, BD Richardson, Andrea Rios, Roberta Robbins, Logan Robinson, Susan J Roche, Karen Romani , Peter R. Root, Philip Rosenberg, Debora Rosental, Lyn Rosenthal, Robin Rudolph, James Salisbury, Bruce Sanders, Maria Medina-Schechter, Rose Schlemmer, Yudith Segev, Natalie Serovy, Melanie Sexton, Mimi Sheiner, Fiona Faye, Skit, Joshua ""Jammer"" Smith, Tatham Smith, John Smither, Sarah Smitherman, William Soller, Louis Staeble, Ava Stapleton, Ellen Keck Stauder, Jack Straton, Kathleen Streitenberger, Michelle M Swanson, Pamela Sweet, C. Tai Tai, Michael Tang, Bill Tavis, Allison Taylor , Julie Thomas-Zucker, Aingilin Timmins, Aphrodite Vairaktaris, Pedro Vasilakis , Anton Veenstra , P. Venkataraman  , Nick Vold, Mila Vovk, Rich Wagner, Maggy Walton, Jan Welda, Todd Westover, Amber Winston-Squires, Nikki Winters-Reed, Howard Wolff, Michaela Yoro, Annie Young, Ellen Zimmerman, Andria Zweigart

Venue ( Address ): 

577 S. Coast Highway Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Las Laguna Art Gallery , Laguna Beach



Follow @_artweek




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2023 - Laguna Beach Open: Group Exhibition
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