30° Celsius will show the work of 30 ASC studio artists chosen by gallerist and owner of Alustretch Uk ltd, Bruce Stinson.
The show draws on the wealth of talent currently practicing across the ASC network of studios in 2016.
Agnieszka Stone | Alice Wilson | Ana Ruepp | Anna McDowell | Boudicca Collins | Charlie Duck | Christina Niederberger | Diane Gerrard | Fausto Sanmartino | Gracjana Rejmer-Canovas | Hwa Seon Yang | Jack Sutherland | Jamie Dyson | Johanna Kwait | Lorraine Fossi | Louise Oates | Louis Maqhubela | Michaela Nettell | Mu Tian | Ralph Anderson | Robbie O’Keeffe | Sam Brereton Sarah Arriagada | Sarah Jane Moon | Sarah Tew | Simon Pike | Srinivas Surti | Toby Ursell | Tristan Barlow | Xiaoyu Chen
ASC Gallery | The Chaplin Centre | Taplow House | Thurlow Street | London SE17 2DG