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The Tree



ADC Contemporary & Building Bridges International Art Exchange presents "The Tree" curated by Anna Dusi, an exhibition focused on Trees. This exhibition is in partnership with the Lucie Foundation and part of the MOPLA (Month of Photography Los Angeles). 
“TREE” A tree represents a vital and timeless symbol. Immerses in the mist of a dreamy and surreal land, it is rooted in the earth dense with experience. The image of a tree extracts the essence of the harmony, uneasiness, lack or abundance. It enjoys a privileged relation with the environment; it grows and expands in our mental space to become a source of artistic inspiration, a monument erected to protect our history. This exhibition offers cues and suggestions to deepen our understanding of the relationship between man and nature through a vital plot that unfolds in front of our eyes in a intimate and complex manner. These three photographers introduces us through their individual sensibility and narrative intensity, to a natural element  protagonist of the exhibition, a Tree.


Artist ( Description ): 


Garret Suhrie: Garret Suhrie shoots almost exclusively at the night to shed light on different way to see the world. His work is included in numerous art collections and widely published with clients that include: Daimler Collection, National Geographic, Smithsonian, AEG, Wall Street Journal, PDN, Flaunt and Time Out NY. After years under the employment and mentoring by international icon David La Chapelle, Garret now spends his time as a freelance Photographer, photographing and exhibiting internationally. Garret is calling Los Angeles home base for the time being.
Elaine Ling: Born in Hong Kong, Elaine Ling has lived in Canada since the age of nine. Upon arrival in Canada, Elaine was exhilarated by the freedom of space and began her attraction to Stone and places of Nature. After graduating medical school she was based in specialized Northern hospitals and flew into isolated communities from the Eastern to the Western Arctic, from the Northeast coast of Newfoundland to the Northwest coast to the British Columbia. Having a natural affinity to The Ojibwa, The Cree, The Inuit, The Kwakiutl and The Haida-Elaine’s images of this part of her life began her 20 year journey in photograpahy. Ling has exhibited extensively in North, South America, and Europe.

Thomas Basile: As secondary public school teacher he taught art, crafts, history,and yearbook. His love for photography began with a Brownie box camera given to him by his parents. Basile used a Kodak Instamatic camera during he’s teaching years to record his students’ work. After his retirement he began to spend an increasing amount of time with photography and digital darkroom.


Other Info: 



Venue ( Address ): 

Bergamot Station 

2525 Michigan Ave., F2 Santa Monica, Ca 90404

ADC Gallery , Santa Monica

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