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Submitted by taieseid on 30 November 2016 - 12:49pm



Tell us about yourself, your medium and the main focus of your practise?

I’m Felix, 22 and a printmaker currently working in Woolwich. My time within my practice is mainly occupied with screen printing, though I use a variety of processes to inform my printmaking, such as collage and drawing. I enjoy creating work where the finished outcome is unknown to me, it is focused on the process of making and experimenting with in screen printing.



What have you been doing since graduation - where could we have seen your work, what projects you’ve been working on and how you're finding life as a grad?

Since I’ve graduated I was luckily given the Thames Side Studio New Graduate Prize, where I have been working since the summer to develop my practice further. I’m currently working on developing certain aspects of my printmaking and refining smaller details within my work. I hope to have a new series of prints finished soon, I just need to find somewhere to hang them after! Life out of university has been very different as I’m now creating work as I like it, rather than for a particular project or deadline, though they do help sometimes…



What’s next, what've you got in the pipeline, what new things are you working on?

I’m currently working on some smaller pieces of work as I can play around with processes a lot more freely and without to much care over the outcome from it. I’ve also been spending time trying to translate how I screen print in to a book, using the folds of the pages as a method in the process. Other than that I’m just trying to build up a body of work that I’m proud of. FOR MORE OF FELIXS’ WORKS.